Go through Some Useful Information & Facts on Fish a lot more

Here are some extremely interesting facts about fish for you to read and get amused. These randomly chosen facts contain loads of knowledge and information on fish. Here they are...

The cavefish are blind but can detect vibrations and odor very well.

The Oscar fish change colors when they begin mating.

The Oscar fish would lay around a thousand eggs at a time.

Fish are cold-blooded.

The study of history of fishes is known as ichthyology.

Body of a jelly fish lack a skeletal structure or the outer shell.

A jellyfish has no brain.

Mouth of a jellyfish is located on the underside of its bell and that is the only opening for its digestive system. They jellyfish take food in through its mouth which is digested in a sack-like structure. Then they pass their waste out through their mouths.

The Megamouth shark which is the rarest of the shark species, was discovered in 1976.

Experts believe that whale sharks may have a life span of up to 150 years.

Eggs of the Port Jackson sharks look like a corkscrew and they stick to rock crevices.

Sharks are able to see almost as well behind as they can see in front.

The smallest shark species is the dwarf shark which averages 4 in in length.

Swell sharks are able to swallow water and swell themselves up to appear larger in the eyes of predators, thus the name swell sharks.

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Some Useful Information & Facts on Fish