Examine Bad Breath Test - 5 Ways on How to Self Test For Bad Breath far more

Bad Breath Test - 5 Ways on How to Self Test For Bad Breath

Odor Detect

Do you have bad breath (halitosis)? Frankly, it is quite possible for anyone to have bad breath, yet not be aware of it. The reason for this is due to our body own acclimation whereby our noses filter out the odor that lies in the back of our mouth, making it difficult for a person to detect his or her own mouth odor.

To really know whether if you suffer from bad breath, try the following 5 tests and find out if you have bad mouth odor.

Stand in front of the mirror and stick your tongue out as far as possible. If you notice that the very back of your tongue is whitish, it may be a sign that you have bad mouth odor.

Another easy and convenient test you can do anywhere is to lick the back of your hand, wait for the saliva to dry and then smell it. If you smell a bad odor, you may have bad breath.

To test for halitosis, you can also run a piece of dental floss between your back teeth and then smell the floss. If you can smell an odor from a distance, it would be a good indicator of the level of odors that other people might detect when talking with you.

One quick method that dentists use to test for bad breath that you can also try at home is to wipe the top surface of the tongue with a piece of cotton swab and then smelling the odor on the cotton. If the cotton swab also produce a yellowish stain after you wipe your tongue, it's likely you have a high concentration of volatile sulfuric compounds (VSC), an indicator of chronic bad breath.

If possible, one of the best and most honest ways to test whether if you have bad mouth odor is to ask the opinion of someone close to you or whom you can trust. The truth may be ugly but the answer will definitely be an honest one.

Need help to get rid of bad breath fast? Discover how to stop bad breath and have clean, fresh breath every day for the rest of your life... with The Bad Breath Report - The Definitive guide on cures for bad breath using simple, household ingredients.

Understand Do Old People Stink? a lot more

All people stink at times. That includes old people.

Here is a question (possibly from a kid) at [http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=1006052640128]

why do old people,s breff stink?

Here are some of the answers with no spelling or punctuation corrections:

1. Because they have more bactieria in their mouff and stomach. John

2. The same reason any one else's breath stinks. Bacteria, poor hygiene. It isn't all old people.

3. Because they are old!!

4. Probably because they have false teeth and more bacteria and food builds up because they are not cleaning them properly!

5. cause they r buzy decomposing

6. The primary cause for bad breath is a dry and unhydrated toungue. As you get older you become more and more dehydrated. This is why they can suffer from urinary tract infections easier.......as well as bad breath.

7. because bacteria is not selective about age kid

8. Death breath

9. Probably for the same reason you can't spell...being lazy.

I liked Number 5 the best.

Deb Cockerton is Provincial Coordinator for the Red Cross in Peterborough, Ontario. Deb at [http://www.collegeanduniversity.net/collegeinfo/index.cfm?catid=18&pageid=2430&affid=218] says in her article that Mean People Stink, especially bullies. She did give any details as to how they smell but she did give a lot of details of what mean people are like in a school environment.

I guess you can smell them coming down the hall.

At http://talk.livedaily.com/showthread.php?t=436670 there is the article Homeless People Stink. Evidently this person shared a lunch table with one. He recommended that "Fear Factor should start thinking outside the box and make people drink a glass of an old homeless man's sweat."

Well, homeless people do not have showers and I don't see the City of New York (or any other city) building showers and restrooms for these folks or anyone else that might be on the street and need the facility.

When I was a boy there was a public restroom by the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City. Other than in parks, that is about the only place I’ve ever seen one. You went down the stairs under the sidewalk. A black man kept the place clean. Another black man would shine your shoes. That’s when I learned that there were black people in Salt Lake City and that they had the crappy jobs.

Nicholas Wade of the New York Times reported back in January of 2003 about DARPA’s “people sniffer.” See http://tinyurl.com/k55o8

I don't know if they ever developed the thing but DARPA says everybody stinks his or her own stink and can be identified with one whiff with a highly sophisticated detector.

I don’t think that DARPA has their sniffer yet. If they did, they would give it to the army and they would dangle it from a helicopter as they fly around Pakistan looking for Osama bin Laden.

Another reason I don’t think they have their sniffer is because DARPA has switched to rats. Rats can smell a human a mile off. Not only that, rats can go where dogs can’t go.

DARPA likes to place collars on the rats that have a receiver that can record rat brain waves. If you see a rat with a collar and probes sticking out of its head, DARPA is looking for you.

DARPA says that it would be good for finding earthquake victims. I have a report that a helicopter was seen last week over Pakistan dropping rats hooked to tiny quick-release nylon parachutes.

I know who they are after!

Anyway, DARPA knows that all people stink and that how people stink is determined by their genes.

There is no reason to pick on old people.

Copyright©2006 John T. Jones, Ph.D.

Odor Detector

John T. Jones, Ph.D. (tjbooks@hotmail.com), a retired college professor and business executive, Former editor of an international engineering magazine. To learn more about Wealthy Affiliate University go to his info site. If you desire a flagpole to Fly Old Glory, go to the business site.

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Business web site: http://www.AAAFlagpoles.com

Do Old People Stink?

Odor Detector

Study How to Treat Vaginal Odor Naturally - Get Rid of Vaginal Smell much more

If you have been wondering how to treat vaginal odor naturally, you will be pleased to learn that there are a few very simple steps you can take which should help clear up any fishy vaginal smell.

Often, the very simplest of treatments can be sufficient to eradicate the problem and these should be tried before anything else. Firstly, you should understand that you are not alone-most women of reproductive age claim to have suffered from a bad fishy vaginal smell at some time in their lives. Secondly, you may be relieved to learn that it is rarely due to poor hygiene, so you should not see it as a reflection on your personal standards!

One of the simplest things you can do is related to washing. Most women, when they notice they have a problem with vaginal odor will start washing more frequently than before, often using products which have a strong perfume in an attempt to "mask" the smell. This is one of the worst things you can do as you will be stripping the vaginal area of the natural lubricants which actually help to maintain the overall health of the area. The vagina is largely a self-cleansing organ and you should only use simple, unperfumed products to wash with and never more than twice daily. Overwashing, especially with strongly perfumed products will cause an imbalance and actually make the fishy vaginal smell worse over a short period of time.

Another simple measure for women wanting to know how to treat vaginal odor is to ensure that you always change your sanitary protection frequently-even when the flow is light. This can prevent bacterial growth on the expelled blood which can contribute to bad odors. Also, it is important to ensure that you always remember to remove the last tampon of your period.

Try to avoid wearing synthetic panties as these can trap in moisture and heat, thus creating the ideal breeding ground for bacteria which can cause a fishy vaginal smell. Cotton is by far the best fabric to wear as it allows air to circulate. In addition, it is wise to avoid wearing tight trousers and pantyhose if you are prone to this condition.

Often, women who have recently changed sexual partners find that they have a problem with odor. Providing you have ruled out the possibility of a sexually transmitted disease, it is likely to be because your body is reacting to the introduction of sperm which causes an imbalance in the natural ph levels of the vagina. For safe sex, it is always wise to wear a condom. However, if this is a long term partner, you may find that eventually the condition resolves itself.

One simple way of helping to mask a fishy vaginal smell without causing any further problems is to wear a thin panty liner. This can work surprisingly well, particularly if you change it frequently during the day.

If these simple measures don't work, or you have had a bad odor for more than a couple of days, it is highly likely that you do have bacterial vaginosis-particularly if you have noticed symptoms such as a thin white or gray discharge along with some itching or burning.

If this is indeed the case, there is a very simple 3 day cure which gives instant relief. This is guaranteed to work and will completely eradicate the condition showing you exactly how to treat vaginal odor.

You can get hold of this Bacterial Vaginosis Cure at no risk to yourself whatsoever as it comes with a cast-iron guarantee. It is available for immediate download, with no waiting and no expensive shipping costs. It is completely guaranteed to work and has done so for many thousands of women worldwide-it is the bestselling remedy to eliminate bacterial vaginosis available.

Please visit this useful site where you will learn more about How To Treat Vaginal Odor.

How to Treat Vaginal Odor Naturally - Get Rid of Vaginal Smell


Examine How Can I Extend the Life of My Water Heater? more

The Consumer Product Safety Commission says that just about every day someone gets injured or killed by an exploding water heater. But if a water heater is properly cared for, it can last from 20-40 years. The first water heater you buy and install could be the last one you need, if you follow the suggestions in this article. In addition, a properly maintained water heater can reduce your energy costs by up to 15%. Besides the expense, stress and damage that a leaking, under-performing or exploding water heater can cause, safety to you and your family is also a priority.

Frequent precision tune-ups and professional inspections by a licensed, experienced Plumber is vital for maintaining the proper function of your water heater and extending it's life. Your qualified area plumber should inspect and tune the following areas:

Check combustion chamber
point ionic leak detector
Evaluate the Sacrificial Anode
Flush out any sediment
Replace the Thermocouple
Inspect Vents
Test the Back Draft
Check for any gas leaks
Check the stabilization & balancing of the water heater
Check the tank expansion pressure
Inspect emergency safety relief valves
Test T & P valves

Your plumber will explain what any of the above components are, and how they affect the function of your w. heater. Also, be sure to choose an experienced plumber for the area where you reside. For instance, if you life in the Dallas area, you would want to consult a Dallas plumber who is familiar with some of the common problems unique to Dallas, such as hard water. Hard water tends to cause premature rusting and corrosion to your pipes and w. heater. The rust forms sediment at the bottom of your w. heater and will need to be flushed. The Dallas plumber will inspect the condition of your w. heater and assess the remaining length of its life. You don't want to wait until your water heater explodes before you replace it. Also, the Dallas plumber will be able to make recommendations when it does come time to replace your old w. heater. They know from experience which models of heaters tend to hold up the best to the hard water.

In addition to regular inspections by your qualified plumber, there are also certain enhancements that can be added to your w. heater in order to improve and extend its function. We will discuss some of these enhancements here:

Contamination Trap - This device helps to minimize the amount of sediment that might accumulate at the bottom of your water heater tank. When sediment begins to build, this puts a strain on your water heater, impairing its ability to heat the water. This increases your energy use and results in a higher utility bill. But it also grows bacteria, begins to smell, causes the water heater to be very noisy from the vibrations. Eventually, it can burn out the heating elements in your water heater, shortening its lifespan.

Thermal Expansion Tank - This reduces and manages the pressure inside your water heater, protecting your home, yourself and your family from an explosion. Also, it extends the life of your water heater since it isn't under as much pressure.

Anode Rod - Also known as the "sacrificial Anode". This device sacrifices itself in order to extend the life of your w. heater. It works by attracting oxidants away from the walls of the tank, and onto itself instead. It slowly corrodes and rusts away instead of the inside of your tank rusting and corroding away. In all, the Anode Rod is an important component for prolonging the life of your water heater. Even once installed, the Anode Rod needs to be inspected on a regular basis to make sure it still is doing its job. Once it starts breaking down, then the oxidants will once again look for a more suitable host...the walls of your water heater.

Easy Flush Drain Down Valve - This device makes it more convenient to maintain your w. heater tank. It is an easy way to empty your water heater tank for maintenance.

Electronic Leak Alert - It alerts you to water leaks originating from your heater, thus allowing you to quickly respond before water damages your home, or before an explosion occurs. You can consider it an early warning system to help prevent serious problems related to your heater.

Emergency Water and Gas Shut Off Valve - Also known as "WAGS". This valve is attached to your w. heater. If a leak occurs, even if you are not home, a water soluble disc inside the WAGS device dissolves instantly, releasing a powerful spring-loaded piston that fires and closes the flow of water to the tank immediately. In fas water heaters, it will also shut off the gas supply to the heater. The technology used to create WAGS was originally developed for the British Royal Air Force. This device is highly reliable and requires no power source in order to operate. When you come home and see that your WAGS device fired, you will know that it saved you from extensive water damage, countles hours of cleanup and thousands of dollars in repairs.

Most of the above enhancements can be installed at the same time you are installing a brand new w. heater, OR they can even be added to your existing w. heater now. Some enhancements are more recommended for particular geographic areas than others. For instance, since Dallas is known for its hard water, which can cause premature rusting, the Sacrificial Anode is a definite must, as well as the Easy Flush Drain Down Valve, to make it easier for frequent cleaning and flushing of sediments and rust. Consult a Dallas plumber for help installing these enhancements, and for frequent inspections of your water heater to ascertain the extent of rust damage on a regular basis. A qualified plumber in Dallas will be able to take a look at your water heater and make suggestions for the best way to extend your particular unit, as well as to protect your home and family.

Odor Detector

Rick Romero is a licensed Plumber in Dallas TX. He is a professional plumber and he enjoys writing articles about plumbing and helps people to understand plumbing better. He recommends http://www.metroflowplumbing.com for all your plumbing needs in the Dallas area.

How Can I Extend the Life of My Water Heater?

Odor Detector

Study Heating Your Basement additional

Heating Your Basement

Odor Detector

Basements can be used for various purposes, laundry, storage, bedrooms, home office space, and more. They can also be a cool retreat from the summer heat. But when the weather gets colder, the cool chill of a basement is much less desirable. If you want to spend any time in your basement in the winter, you need to heat it.

How Can I Heat My Basement?

One of the effective ways to heat your basement is with a fireplace, if you have a full functional fireplace. But a fireplace can be expensive and difficult to install. For those people who do not have a functional fireplace in their home, there are still options for warming up the basement. Portable heaters are available in many types and styles. Among the different options include a heavy duty electric heater, baseboard heaters, ceramic heaters, fan heaters and propane space heaters.

* Heavy duty electric heaters are used to heat larger areas. They are capable of heating a room to over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Economical and easy to handle, the heating element heats the oil, which in turn heats the air surrounding it. Heavy duty electric heaters have no exposed elements, so it is safe to touch.

* Electric baseboard heaters have an heating element that warms the air passing through it. Warmer air rises up the heater, while the colder air is pulled down to be heated. They are good for room by room heating. Baseboard heaters do not require much space and do not require any ductwork. They are a good choice for basement heating in homes that are newly constructed or remodeled. Baseboard heaters are easy to install in just about any kind of space. They are quiet and draft free and make it easy to control the temperature in each room.

* Ceramic heaters work by using a fan to push the air over a ceramic heating element. A huge grill that oscillates the twin heating elements give the heater the ability to heat up a larger area. Ceramic heaters also come with a foot switch, tip-over switch, built-in air filter, overheat sensor and an anti-freeze setting.

* Fan heaters use a fan to push air over a heating element. This function therefore reduces the thermal resistance between the heating element and the surroundings, heating an area more quickly.

* Propane heaters are good for smaller basement rooms, around 300 square feet. They radiate heat using propane gas as its fuel. They do not require electricity or ductwork. It also warms objects and people before it warms the air.

A Few Safety Tips Regarding Space Heaters

* Place heaters on the floor NOT on the furniture or tables, where they may fall, dislodging or breaking parts in the heater, which could result in a fire or shock hazard.

* Do not use heaters in wet or moist places, unless is it certified for that purpose. Damage or corrosion to parts of the heater may result in a shock hazard or fire.

* Be sure that the plug fits snugly in the electrical outlet you are using. A loose plug can overheat, resulting in a fire.

* Do not place a rug or carpet over the cords, doing so can cause the cord to overheat causing a fire

* If your heater breaks, take it to a qualified repair person. Do not attempt to fix it yourself.

* Be sure that all your unvented gas-fired heaters are equipped with an oxygen depletion sensor. This sensor detects a reduced level of oxygen around the heater, and shuts it off before a hazardous amount of carbon monoxide accumulates. Heed the warnings about the dangers of carbon monoxide that are labeled on the heater.

* Have your gas heater and venting system installed and inspected by professionals according to local codes.

* Make sure that gas-fired heaters are vented properly

* IF YOU SMELL GAS, DO NOT TRY TO LIGHT THE APPLIANCE. Do not touch any electrical switches, or try to use the phone. Open a window or door and leave the area immediately. Then go to a neighbor and call a gas service person or fire department to alert them of the leak.

* Equip your home with at least one smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector per floor.

* Be sure you keep at least one dry-powder operative, ABC-type fire extinguisher in the home at all times.

* Keep areas around heat sources free of papers, trash and debris which may catch fire.

Get more basement remodeling [http://www.fixmyownbasement.com] tips and ideas at Fix My Own Basement.com [http://www.fixmyownbasement.com].

Go through Eliminating Cat Odor Effectively extra

Many people are pet lovers and they like rearing cats since they are small and easy to handle. Despite their cuddly nature and highest ranking as the cleanest pets, they can misbehave at times by urinating or defecating inside the house. This ends up leaving a strange smell that is repugnant inside the house. Getting rid of the odor caused by cat urine should not be hard and does not require someone to buy expensive household cleaning products. There are some household ingredients that are easily accessible in the home. Through following the instructions below, one is likely to get rid of the cat odor with a lot of ease.

One of the solutions to reduction of the foul smell caused by cats is through the use of baking soda and vinegar. First and foremost, an individual should soak as much urine as possible using a piece of cloth or sponge. Then soak the area with a concoction of one part white vinegar to two parts water and then add some soap. Then, press on area with a clean piece of cloth to soak up the liquid until the area is dry. After this, sprinkle a little baking soda and vacuum the area in 24hours; this will totally eradicate the foul smell of the cat.

Peroxide is the other cleaning agent that can be used to eradicate cat odor. A number of people assert peroxide is a good cleaning agent for cat urine and other cat stains; however, the use of peroxide can prove to be an intricate affair as it can discolor surfaces easily. Apparently, peroxide disintegrates the substances contained in the cat urine, which cause odor and stains. All one has to do is pour some peroxide on the area directly and leave it to dry. After it has dried, rinse the area with warm water and soak up the water using a clean cloth or paper towels.

The use of the Listerine mouthwash in the solution used to clean cat stains is believed to eradicate urine odor. A number of people say that the addition of a few drops of the mouthwash in water and vinegar solution or in the peroxide solution will not only leave the area stain free but also leave a refreshing aroma in the room. It can also be added to hot water and applied on the affected area. This is attributed to the high levels of alcohol that are presenting Listerine.

There are other stain removers which have a scent and they can also be used to clear the foul smell. They include all perfumed cleaning agents such as aerosol sprays and cleaning detergents in powder or liquid form. Finally, it is imperative that one tries to eliminate the cat odor caused by urine since cats are drawn by the urine odor to the same spot it urinated before and may probably end up urinating at the same place again. If the cat keeps on urinating at the same place every now and then, it is an indication that the odor was not cleaned properly. Clean the place again and try to restrict access of the cat to the same spot by placing a box on that spot or locking the door to the room. Removing cat odor is quite easy when one has the appropriate cleaning equipment and material.              


Rob Hillman is a Stain Removal Enthusiast. To find out more about all types of Stain Removal, please visit [http://www.removestains.me/]

Eliminating Cat Odor Effectively

Go through Getting Rid of Underarm Body Odor more

Most of us probably remember first hearing all the jokes about 'b.o.' beginning around middle school. But excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, is no laughing matter for the many people who suffer through it every day.

Hyperhidrosis is actually a fairly common medical condition experienced by up to 4% of the U.S. population. It is defined as 'sweating more than would be expected in a given temperature and environment.' Meaning, if you are dripping sweat sitting still in a 65-degree room, you may have hyperhidrosis.

The good news is that although there is no cure for this disorder it is quite treatable. In many cases natural remedies can be just as effective as expensive medical treatments.

Hyperhidrosis occurs as the result of a combination of factors. Genetics determine the concentration of our sweat glands but many lifestyle factors can exacerbate the condition. Hyperhidrosis may be generalized affecting the entire body or localized, meaning that only certain body parts are symptomatic. Commonly affected body parts include the hands, feet, underarms (axillary) and head/face.

Although we tend to think of sweat as being offensive smelling, the truth is that the odor isn't the sweat itself but the result of bacteria reacting with perspiration.

People with a larger number of sweat glands produce more sweat (which reacts with the bacteria) and consequently more body odor. Surprisingly enough overuse of deodorants and soap actually makes the problem worse by providing the perfect breeding ground for bacteria.

Medical treatments for excessive sweating and body odor do not address the bacterial issue or the lifestyle factors such as stress that can lead to the condition. The most common medical interventions include oral and topical medications that paralyze or otherwise disable sweat glands or surgical treatment.

One topical medication that is commonly given for this purpose is Botox. When injected into sweat glands the glands are temporarily paralyzed. One of the biggest disadvantages of the medical approach to treatment is that the effects are very temporary. With cessation of treatment one can expect a return of symptoms.

A more effective means of dealing with excessive sweating is to reduce the 'bad' bacteria that cause body odor. Natural remedies or supplements that serve to cleanse the body as a whole are the least invasive treatment option and are more likely to result in long-term reduction of symptoms.

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Getting Rid of Underarm Body Odor

Go through Some Useful Information & Facts on Fish a lot more

Here are some extremely interesting facts about fish for you to read and get amused. These randomly chosen facts contain loads of knowledge and information on fish. Here they are...

The cavefish are blind but can detect vibrations and odor very well.

The Oscar fish change colors when they begin mating.

The Oscar fish would lay around a thousand eggs at a time.

Fish are cold-blooded.

The study of history of fishes is known as ichthyology.

Body of a jelly fish lack a skeletal structure or the outer shell.

A jellyfish has no brain.

Mouth of a jellyfish is located on the underside of its bell and that is the only opening for its digestive system. They jellyfish take food in through its mouth which is digested in a sack-like structure. Then they pass their waste out through their mouths.

The Megamouth shark which is the rarest of the shark species, was discovered in 1976.

Experts believe that whale sharks may have a life span of up to 150 years.

Eggs of the Port Jackson sharks look like a corkscrew and they stick to rock crevices.

Sharks are able to see almost as well behind as they can see in front.

The smallest shark species is the dwarf shark which averages 4 in in length.

Swell sharks are able to swallow water and swell themselves up to appear larger in the eyes of predators, thus the name swell sharks.

Tell me by commenting whether you found these facts interesting or not.

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Some Useful Information & Facts on Fish

Study Living Safely With Carbon Monoxide a lot more

A new carbon monoxide law goes into effect in Colorado requiring the installation of Carbon monoxide detectors in all rental properties, homes for sale and new construction homes and apartments.

Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless, colorless and tasteless byproduct of burning materials containing carbon. If it's present in high concentrations in your home you will not smell it, see it or taste it and that is why CO is called the silent killer.

CO is the leading cause of accidental deaths in the United States. CO is produced in every home that has a gas or carbon-producing appliance of any type.

What are gas or carbon producing appliances?

Natural gas or propane hot water heater
Natural gas or propane furnace
Kerosene or propane space heaters or cook stoves
Gasoline or diesel powered cars, boats, motorcycles, jet skies or other vehicle operating in the garage
Charcoal grills or natural gas grills too close to a window or inside an enclosed area
Gasoline powered tools 

Who's at risk for carbon monoxide poisoning?

Anyone living in a home with a room over a garage where the car is warmed up prior to leaving on a cold day
Anyone heating his or her home or hot water with diesel, propane or natural gas
Children or pets that ride in the back of a pickup truck that has a camper shell on the bed
Sitting, mooring next to or swimming near a running boat engine
Anyone who has a furnace over 10 years old 

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning:

Flu like symptoms
Impaired judgment

If you have any gas or carbon producing appliances and experience any of the above symptoms, please consult your doctor or medical professional immediately. Leave the home immediately if you experience any of the above symptoms and call for help.

Every home needs at least one carbon monoxide detector installed in the master bedroom so it can wake you up if you are asleep. Carbon monoxide detectors should not be installed above or by any gas or carbon burning appliances because those appliances sometimes belch a small amount of CO at start up.

CO detectors can be plugged into an outlet and have a battery backup or they are battery operated only.  I recommend one in each bedroom and at least one on each level of the home.  Because CO is about the same weight as air you can install a CO detector at the ceiling or close to the floor. Keep in mind though that often times CO will be coming into the living space through your heating systems hot air and that means the carbon monoxide hot air will rise to the ceiling.

Just like a smoke detector, CO detectors have a test button, use it once a month and dust it regularly so it works properly. If your detector is battery operated change the batteries when you change the clocks. 

If your home is all-electric and you do not have an attached garage you probably don't need a CO detector.  If you do have an attached garage and use gas, propane or fuel oils then please, install at least one CO detector in your home. 

Avoid becoming a statistic of the Silent Killer - Carbon Monoxide; install your CO detector today. You can purchase them at most hardware stores, discount stores and even some grocery stores.

The cost is cheaper than a trip to the hospital, only about $20-$30.

Odor Detector

Ranoli is a Holistic Home Inspector, Life Development Counselor, Intuitive Environmental Consultant, Author, Teacher and Radio Host on HealthyLife.net.

She is the owner of Heart And Home Healing, a consulting service designed to empower people, create healthy homes and stage the feel of homes or offices. Reach her at FaithRanoli@aol.com

Living Safely With Carbon Monoxide

Read through How to Eliminate Bad Vaginal Odor Naturally far more

How to Eliminate Bad Vaginal Odor Naturally


At some point in our lives, most of us will suffer from having a bad vaginal odor-indeed it is just one of the many challenges which often face women. Unlike other medical problems, this is one which can be extremely embarrassing as it can be noticeable for those around us and this often includes work colleagues and casual acquaintances.

Fortunately, there are a few simple steps which can help to eliminate bad vaginal odor naturally.

* Hygiene is always worth considering and you may now hear advice which you are not expecting! Over-washing can actually contribute to a bad vaginal odor by upsetting the balance of natural lubricants in the vagina. You should only wash twice a day, using unperfumed soap and avoid using any perfumed products around the vaginal area, even including those designed for intimate use.

* Next, take great care to change your sanitary protection regularly during your monthly period. Even if the flow is light, stale blood can give off an unpleasant odor. In addition, ensure that you never forget the last tampon of your period.

* Ensure that you only wear cotton panties as this allows air to circulate around the vaginal area. Synthetic underwear can create the ideal conditions for bacterial growth by trapping in warmth and moisture. In addition, it can be useful to wear a thin panty pad throughout the day as these can absorb a surprising amount of odor and can be frequently changed over the course of a day.

* If you are in a relationship, the interaction between semen and the natural fluids in the vagina can contribute to bad vaginal odor. It is worth wearing a condom whilst the condition persists.

If your vaginal odor is accompanied by other symptoms such as a gray or white watery discharge together with irritation and burning around the delicate tissues of the vagina, it is highly likely that you are suffering from bacterial vaginosis.

Although not dangerous, bacterial vaginosis is very unpleasant and if left untreated for a lengthy period can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and even infertility. Prompt treatment is therefore always advisable.

If you would like to read more about this condition and see three excellent home remedies, all of which are completely guaranteed to get rid of bacterial vaginosis, please visit How To Eliminate Bad Vaginal Odor Naturally.

Read Is it Possible to Guard Yourself Against the Sinus Infection? more

Is it Possible to Guard Yourself Against the Sinus Infection?

Odor Detect

For many people, having a sinus infection usually proves to be an annoying affair. This infection also known as , is a health condition that involves the inflammation of a person's nasal pathways. It brings with it severe headaches, fever, spontaneous coughing, nasal congestion, viscous nasal secretions, pressure inside the patient's eyes and sometimes around the cheek area.

It is believed that microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses are responsible for the sinus infection health problem. Usually, a person is said to have defense mechanisms that guard him against these microorganisms. These defenses include, mucus layers that cover the sinuses and nasal cells containing little hairs referred to as cilia which help to trap or at times propel these microorganisms outward. When these mechanisms are disrupted either through environmental pollution or through other factors such as dust, bacteria that may be present in your nasal pathways get a chance to enter the sinuses.Once in,these microorganisms stick to the nasal cells and in the process cause this terrible infection.

Like many other types of infections, sinus infections have different categories. These categories are Acute sinusitis and Chronic sinusitis.

Acute sinusitis is most of the times caused by viruses and bacteria that are found in the upper side of the respiratory tract and at times substances that bring allergies or even environmental pollutants. A viral infection harms the cells that form the lining of the sinuses by damaging them and in the process inflaming them. This action makes the lining to swell up and become thicker than required which leads to the obstruction of the nasal air passages. With this obstruction in place, infectious microorganisms such as bacteria cannot be removed from the nasal air passages. In return, the bacteria get a chance to multiply and make the person have a sinus infection by invading and inflaming the cells that form the lining of the nasal pathways.

This type of sinus infection does not last for more than 8 weeks most of the times and for each period that you are subjected to this infection, it may take around 10 days for the sinus infection to disappear. With a proper cause of treatment from your doctor, the mucous lining and the surrounding skull bone that protect the sinuses can easily be restored.

On the other hand, Chronic sinusitis is said to involve a spectrum of infections that cause the inflammation of your sinuses. Infections that are bacterial, viral and even fungal may be responsible for this condition. The bacteria and viruses that cause this infection do it the same way as in Acute sinusitis but a fungal infection usually takes place differently.

Fungi may be situated in the human nasal cavities and also in sinuses. Some of these fungi are known to cause possible inflammation of the nasal pathways of patients. On rare occasions, chronic sinusitis can make you not to smell or be in a position to detect any type of odor. The condition may take more than 8 weeks for it to clear and each time it attacks, it may take a period of about 20 days for its symptoms to disappear. People who have diseases that make the human immune system weak including AIDS are usually the ones that are prone to this kind of sinus infection. A proper diagnosis from the doctor is the best help to get the right kind of treatment.

Wangeci Kinyanjui is an expert on research and reporting on Health Matters for years.To get more information on sinus infection visit her site at SINUS INFECTION

Read through How to Get Rid of Shoe Odor far more

Taking the 'Eeeww' out of 'Shoe'

This section is broken into two parts, shoe odor prevention and shoe odor removal.
Shoe Odor Prevention

Since we now know that shoe odor is caused by bacteria requiring warm and moist environments, we should make our footwear inhospitable to them. The best (and easiest) method of keeping foot and shoe odor at bay is to keep your feet and shoes dry! Here's some tips:

* After your showers take care to dry your feet well, especially the spaces between your toes. If your feet are moist when you put on your shoes then your shoes are going to be moist, and you'll have just created a nice, warm stink incubator.

* If you suffer from excessively sweaty feet, apply a antiperspirant to your feet to help keep them dry and coat the inside of your shoes with talcum powder to absorb any excess moisture.

* Wear thick, cotton socks and change them as often as is needed to keep your feet dry. Stay away from synthetic materials because they don't absorb moisture or breathe as well as cotton.

* If your shoes ever get moist or wet, let them dry completely before wearing them again. You can stuff them with newspaper, coat them with talcum powder, or even throw them into the dryer (shoe-care-instructions permitting) - but don't put them back onto your feet!

Shoe Odor Removal: Home Remedies

If 'kicking off your shoes' at the end of a long day magically clears the room (and that's a bad thing), we've got some easy, home remedies to get rid of your home-made shoe cheese. It's important to remember that you're not just combating a smell, you're also combating living bacteria that produce the smell - if you just attack the odor and leave the bacteria then you've only fought half the battle. Kill the bacteria and then remove the odor. Here are some easy ways to do just that:

* When you remove your shoes for the evening, coat the insides thoroughly with baking soda, seal them in a plastic bag, and put them in the freezer until morning. The cold will kill the bacteria, and the baking soda will absorb the odor. When you pull them out, set them in a well ventilated area for a while to dissipate any excess moisture that remains.

* If you don't have room in your freezer, pour or spray just enough rubbing alcohol into your shoes to coat the insides and then place them on their sides in a well ventilated (but unpopulated) area. The rubbing alcohol will kill the bacteria and evaporates quickly. Afterwards, coat the insides with a little baking soda to soak up any remaining odor or moisture.

* If these methods leave you in the lurch, experiment with different products (usually powders and sprays) that are designed to eliminate foot and shoe odor.

Remember, it's all about the bacteria! Keeping your feet and shoes dry will prevent it from growing, and cold or alcohol will kill it off quickly. Please leave any tips you may have using the form at the bottom of this page.

Want to know more? You can read more tips on How to get rid of Shoe Odor, plus information to get rid of practically anything else that ails you - from bad breath to telemarketers to cellulite - at http://www.howtogetridofstuff.com

How to Get Rid of Shoe Odor


Go through Indoor Air Quality - Maintaining Good Air Quality Inside Your Home extra

You spend a lot of time cleaning your home but have you ever thought about the cleanliness of the air inside your home? Everyday habits can release tiny particles or vapors in to the air which can aggravate allergies and make you feel rundown.

If too little outdoor air enters a home, pollutants can accumulate to levels that can pose health and comfort issues. Following are simple ways to maintain good air quality inside your home so you can breathe easy:

Provide adequate ventilation. Open windows and use fans to provide adequate ventilation throughout your home. Make sure appliances, such as your dryer, are properly vented.

Limit humidity levels. Humidity can create mold and mildew issues. As such, don't let your home's humidity level rise above 50 percent. Dry and clean wet wood or carpet.

Check your dry cleaning. If you detect a chemical odor on your dry cleaning, remove the plastic bags and place the clothing outside to air out before putting it away.

Keep pollen at bay. Wipe your feet prior to entering your home to minimize pollen and other outdoor elements that enter your home via the bottom of your shoes. If you have pets, be sure to clean your house often to remove pollutants that may find their way inside on their paws.

Although it is a good idea to open windows to keep your home well-ventilated, it is best to keep windows and doors closed while mowing your lawn or treating your yard with chemicals.

Odor Detect

Hilary Basile is a writer for MyGuidesUSA.com. At http://www.myguidesusa.com, you will find valuable tips and resources for handling life's major events. Whether you're planning a wedding, buying your first home, anxiously awaiting the birth of a child, contending with a divorce, searching for a new job, or planning for your retirement, you'll find answers to your questions at MyGuidesUSA.com.

Find home improvement tips and resources at http://homeimprovement.myguidesusa.com/

Indoor Air Quality - Maintaining Good Air Quality Inside Your Home

Odor Detect

Study Odor Neutralizing and Odor Removing Products much more

A pleasant and sweet smelling home always creates a welcoming atmosphere for the visitors. Many homemakers utilize odor neutralizing and odor removing products in order to drive out the damp smell persisting in their living space.

Make Your Home More Welcoming with Aromatic Neutralizers

Different odors such as those usually originating from cooking, furnishings and pets tend to linger in your rooms. You can create a sweet aroma in those places by using suitable odor neutralizing products. They are wonderful solutions to freshen up the indoor air and create a well-balanced aroma in your home atmosphere.

Use Odor Control Products in Areas Needing Special Attention

It is better to totally eliminate unpleasant odor rather than attempt to mask it. Certain odor removing products with special liquid formulations are ideal for this. Among the wide range of odor removing products available, toilet bowl deodorizers are the important ones. Toilets are places which need great attention, as these places are always prone to have foul odor due to accumulation of bacteria in the toilet bowls and corners of the walls and floors. Toilet bowl blocks, urinal screen deodorizers or in-tank drop in blocks can work well for fixing such issues in the toilets and urinals.

Shop Conveniently Online for Branded Products

Provide an aromatic treat to your living space using suitable odor neutralizing and odor removing products. The present marketplace is loaded with a number of odor control products. Amrep, Hospeco, Rubbermaid and TimeMist are some of the best providers in the industry selling products in a variety of scents for use in any home or office. Online shopping is the most convenient way of getting these products at cost-effective rates.


Rydoexpress is a leading provider of janitorial supplies and odor control products. RydoExpress stock a wide variety of odor neutralizing and odor removing products.

Odor Neutralizing and Odor Removing Products


Read Smoke Air Purifier - 5 Problems an Air Purifier For Smoke Can Help Eliminate a lot more

Smoke Air Purifier - 5 Problems an Air Purifier For Smoke Can Help Eliminate

Odor Detector

An air purifier can remove smoke from your home or office; it is helpful to understand why this is important to do. Smoke not only contains a number of harmful toxins, but also causes a great deal of damage. Some of this damage can be seen quite easily, but there is some that is invisible, but just as important.
Smoke cannot be removed just by opening windows and hoping that the breeze generated will blow out the harmful effects and remove the damage being caused. That method would be about as effective as opening the windows to remove dust-not at all.
Tobacco, a fireplace, wood, coal or kerosene burning stove, a neighbour who burns brush frequently, cooking, and even wildfires that rage uncontrolled are some of the contributing factors that can create smoke inside your home. Removing it will not only improve the health of all who live there, but will preserve the condition of your furnishings and value of your home as well.
Regardless of the source, breathing it is dangerous, and here are 5 problems that a smoke air purifier can help eliminate.
1. Health Related Problems
Tobacco smoke contains a large range of harmful chemicals and toxins which can be unhealthy to anyone who breathes it, and is especially damaging to children, pets, and those who have respiratory conditions such as allergy, asthma, and emphysema to name a few.
2. Stale Smoke Smell
The smell is unpleasant and often remains in the air for days, even weeks. It permeates your clothing, furniture, draperies, everything. It cannot be removed with sprays or aerosols as they add to the smell rather than take it away. The secret to removing the smell is trapping the fine particulates and gases. And unless you clear the air with a filter that is specifically designed for smoke, you force your lungs to serve as the filter.
3. Odors in Fabric
The fine particulates and odors become impregnated in fabrics, carpets, curtains, cushions, clothes and produce a stale smell that is most noticeable when first entering your home. Books, wooden items and antiques are also extremely susceptible to smoke damage, which can all but destroy their value in terms of resale.
4. Stains
Smoke also stains surfaces, especially walls and ceilings, and items very near the sources of the smoke. This discolouration can be almost impossible to remove if left unchecked for long.  Removing the particulates and gases before they have a chance to stain saves you time and money.
5. Poor Air Quality
Smoke changes the proportions of gases in the air, lowering oxygen and increasing carbon monoxide.
A high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) air purifier with an inner filter especially designed to remove the gases that result from smoke will constantly send fresh, clean, smoke-free air into your home, thus making your home a healthy place to be.

An excellent HEPA air purifier to remove smoke from your air is offered by PurerAir.com-- the Smoke Air Purifier See it now at http://purerair.com/smoke_air_purifier.html

Go through What Causes Foot Odor? a lot more

What Causes Foot Odor?


Some people couldn't care less what causes foot odor. They just want to get rid of it. Other people are interested in what causes foot odor precisely because they figure they have a better chance of getting rid of it if they know what causes it. Either way, foot odor is the end result of a chain reaction of events that take place on your feet.

It can happen to people of all ages. I have even heard moms say that one or more of their kids had stinky feet from infancy! It has been a problem throughout the ages ever since people began wearing shoes. Even Roman soldiers had remedies - and they wore sandals!

The human body hosts many species of bacteria, some of which live, thrive, and multiply in a warm, moist environment such your warm sweaty feet snugly encased inside your socks and shoes. Man-made materials such as polyester, nylon, plastic, etc. do not allow for as much ventilation as do natural materials such as cotton, wool, or leather. Therefore enclosing your feet in man-made materials tends to make them sweatier and stinkier.

The bacteria feed on the components of the sweat and the resulting metabolic breakdown produces the characteristic aroma that has been known to clear a room. In other words, it stinks! It should go without saying (but I'll say it anyway) that the more bacteria there are and the more sweat there is for the bacteria to feed on, the more odor the metabolic breakdown is going to produce.

Sandi Moses is a mom who has discovered the secret to keeping feet and shoes and socks absolutely odor free. For more information, visit

Stop Stinky Feet - http://www.stop-stinky-feet.info

Go through Breaking Down the Process of Invisalign much more

Breaking Down the Process of Invisalign

Odor Detector

Odor Detector

There was a time when the thought of using invisible, plastic braces to straighten your teeth was something inconceivable because how can flimsy plastic force your teeth to go straight? So in order to make sure your teeth go down the straight and narrow path, you heeded your dentist's advice and wore the metallic monstrosities known as wire braces and suffered many an embarrassing moment including setting off every metal detector in the city.

Those horrifying days are over now and it's largely thanks to a small modern miracle known as Invisalign. Not only are they definitely lighter and more comfortable than wearing metal braces, people won't even know you're getting your teeth straightened unless you actually tell them. The custom-made aligners that are created just for you virtually make teeth straightening easy to bear as it gradually and gently shifts your teeth into place based on the exact movements your orthodontist indicated in his treatment plan.

In short, Invisalign is everything braces are not. They can be removed for one, so you can eat all the foods you love without worrying about bits and pieces getting stuck in between them, as well as brush and floss normally, something that was a challenge to do with metal braces. You can also remove them before you go to sleep at night so you don't wake up the next morning feeling cranky and uncomfortable due to cheek and gum irritations. But the best part is that it requires very, very little doctor time as you only need to check in every six weeks or so for about a year so your orthodontist can check on the movement of your teeth.

It is also ideal if you are the type who leads an active life as Invisalign won't cut into your mouth since it doesn't have sharp brackets and if you need to wear a mouth guard, simply remove the aligners and you're good to go. You also don't have to worry about keeping them clean because unlike braces, all you need to do is brush them and rinse them in lukewarm water or get yourself a cleaning kit that removes plaque from your aligners and keeps them odor-free - all in just 15 minutes.

The treatment process is simple enough as well. It all starts by finding an Invisalign provider you are most comfortable with and discussing with him your case. If you are deemed qualified for the procedure, the doctor starts off by taking x-rays, pictures and impressions of your teeth and use those images to create a 3D image of them. From these images, the dentist will determine your treatment plan which includes the exact movement of your teeth as you begin wearing your aligners. You will then be shown a virtual representation of how your teeth will look at each stage of the treatments.

The next part is having your aligners made. These aligners are made from BPA-free plastic that is smooth and comfortable, words that don't usually associate with braces. You need to wear them for at least 22 hours a day, removing them only when you eat, when you brush and floss and before you go to sleep. Depending on your treatment plan and how fast your teeth move, you will need to change your aligners every two weeks and check in with your orthodontist every six weeks or so until you achieve the smile you want.

Since each case varies, the length of treatment will usually depend on the severity of your case. Cases that are treatable with Invisalign include gapped teeth, overbite, underbite, open bite, overly-crowded and crossbite conditions. If you're curious to see what a patient who has undergone Invisalign looks like after treatments, you only need to visit online dental clinics that provide Invisalign to see how much it can change not just your smile but your overall look.

Check with your dentist now and see if it can change your life just as much as it has changed many before you.

Your new smile is just a click away. Learn all about Invisalign from the best smile experts at http://www.straightenmysmile.com.au and finally be able to dazzle the world with a new YOU.

Read through Home Inspections and Mold a lot more

Odor Detect

You've heard people joke about the fuzzy green stuff that used to be food in their refrigerator. Maybe you've teased about that kind of mold yourself. That's usually a problem that's easily solved. Throw the old stuff out.

It's a different matter when it comes to mold in your home. You definitely don't want it around. It poses significant problems when you live with it constantly. It can affect the integrity of a home's walls and foundation. It can cause a variety of health problems. People react differently, but children and the elderly are most susceptible. Mold can cause respiratory problems including wheezing, difficulty breathing; dry hacking coughs, and nose and throat irritation.

Mold is a fungus which forms in moist places. It produces tiny spores that become airborne and settle in damp spots where they grow. You'll often find mold growing on wood, walls, ceilings, attics, basements, and other moist environments. It has to have moisture to thrive.

Mold invades our homes where there's leaky plumbing, unventilated areas, and where there's condensation in heating and air conditioning systems and ducts. It can also form where there are structural defects resulting in water entry, such as a leaky roof, leaks inside walls, and improperly installed windows with substandard flashing.

You could look for mold yourself in obvious places around windows, sinks, and water lines. You may also detect odor from mold. A little mold on bathroom tiles are common and can be kept in check with a bleach and water solution. However, when buying or selling a home, a more thorough search is necessary. It's a home inspector's job to find it in places you might not know to look.

Laws vary from state to state regarding what must be disclosed about the presence of mold, and your home inspector should know what laws or regulations apply where you live. Many home owner's insurance policies offer only very limited coverage for mold damage, so you want to eliminate the problem as much as possible.

Your home inspector may use a thermal imager to detect moisture that you would miss. He will also include a thorough leak detection and moisture analysis, air quality analysis, relative humidity testing, and evaluation of drainage. Some professionals also use a fiber-optic camera to inspect wall cavities.

Your home inspector may or may not find mold. However, if mold is present or appears to be present, samples can be taken for testing to eliminate uncertainty. There is usually a separate lab charge for this, and it's well worth it.

Serious mold infections may require the use of an EPA-registered fungicide. You must also take steps to make sure the mold doesn't re-occur and remove the source of moisture that has allowed it to grow in the first place. Mold will come back where there are ongoing water problems, like siding leaks, broken water lines, or storm damage. Other problem areas are where water enters in through the foundation or concrete floors, or if part of the house has constant high humidity.

Believe it or not, mold may come into your house on the bodies of pets, or even on the bottoms of peoples' shoes. The Asian custom of taking shoes off before entering a home is actually very useful in preventing the intrusion of mold and other things.

Prevention today can reduce problems tomorrow. When it comes to mold, be sure a home inspector finds it, and have unwanted sources of moisture taken care of. You'll make life more livable for everyone involved.

You've carefully selected the home you're buying. Make sure you're as careful when selecting your home inspector. Don't get stuck paying for repairs missed by a quick home inspection. Author David Haigh is a professional home inspector in NJ. Click now to view a free sample report of a New Jersey home inspection.

Home Inspections and Mold

Odor Detect

Go through Fatal House Gas - Carbon Monoxide Know the Causes, Symptoms and Prevention much more

Odor Detector

Safety is a must wherever we are, especially in our house. However, we hear hundreds of lives are lost each year especially during the winter season, due to a deadly gas while they are in their house. This gas is called carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a deadly gas and poisoning is caused by inhalation. You could not taste or smell this poisonous gas. Aside from that it is also colorless. Carbon monoxide is a derivative of the inadequate burning of fuels. Fuels such as coal, kerosene, oil, wood, gasoline, propane and natural gas.

It is usually caused by faulty forced air furnaces, natural gas ranges and space heaters.

It is very important to know the signs and symptoms of poisoning. The symptoms varies as to the amount of the gas in your surrounding and your exposure time. The symptoms includes headache, heart flutter, nausea, confusion, skin redness, dizziness, sleepiness, chest tightness, weakness and loss of muscle control. Be it known that some of the symptoms are similar to flu and other illnesses.

If your carbon monoxide alarm goes off, open all windows and doors immediately. Turn off any source of combustion. Check every family member to be sure that nobody is feeling ill. Immediately have an expert inspect your house heating and venting system. However, if you are suspicious of poisoning of this deadly gas, get out of your house immediately. Get some help and call 911 if you live in the US. Other countries may have a different number to call so be sure you know that number.

The treatment of poisoning is usually 100% oxygen and possible hyperbaric O2. Hyperbaric O2 is a high pressure delivery of oxygen by the bloodstream to the tissues of the body.

To prevent carbon monoxide poisoning follow these tips:

Be sure that you have a carbon monoxide detector approved by Underwriters Laboratories in your house. Underwriters Laboratories is an independent organization that evaluates and certifies different products for safety.
Get an annual inspection of your hot water, heating and venting system by a qualified heating professional.
Make sure that all vents are free from any obstructions such as snow, ice and leaves.
Have your chimneys checked to be sure that there are no barriers such the nest of birds and squirrels.
Do not idle your car in your garage. This is to prevent fumes from going inside your house.
Do not ever use a gas oven to heat your house.
If you own a backup generator, install it outside your house.

So be proactive. Take the tips mentioned to make your home safe. Even though carbon monoxide poisoning is deadly it can be prevented. Focus on the prevention.

Elvira L loves writing articles about family, finance and health. Come visit her website that discusses low rate mortgage [http://www.lowratemortgagechoice.com] and low rate refinance [http://www.lowratemortgagechoice.com/Low-Rate-Refinance.html] mortgage.

Fatal House Gas - Carbon Monoxide Know the Causes, Symptoms and Prevention

Read through Is it Possible to Guard Yourself Against the Sinus Infection? much more

Is it Possible to Guard Yourself Against the Sinus Infection?

Odor Detect

Odor Detect

For many people, having a sinus infection usually proves to be an annoying affair. This infection also known as , is a health condition that involves the inflammation of a person's nasal pathways. It brings with it severe headaches, fever, spontaneous coughing, nasal congestion, viscous nasal secretions, pressure inside the patient's eyes and sometimes around the cheek area.

It is believed that microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses are responsible for the sinus infection health problem. Usually, a person is said to have defense mechanisms that guard him against these microorganisms. These defenses include, mucus layers that cover the sinuses and nasal cells containing little hairs referred to as cilia which help to trap or at times propel these microorganisms outward. When these mechanisms are disrupted either through environmental pollution or through other factors such as dust, bacteria that may be present in your nasal pathways get a chance to enter the sinuses.Once in,these microorganisms stick to the nasal cells and in the process cause this terrible infection.

Like many other types of infections, sinus infections have different categories. These categories are Acute sinusitis and Chronic sinusitis.

Acute sinusitis is most of the times caused by viruses and bacteria that are found in the upper side of the respiratory tract and at times substances that bring allergies or even environmental pollutants. A viral infection harms the cells that form the lining of the sinuses by damaging them and in the process inflaming them. This action makes the lining to swell up and become thicker than required which leads to the obstruction of the nasal air passages. With this obstruction in place, infectious microorganisms such as bacteria cannot be removed from the nasal air passages. In return, the bacteria get a chance to multiply and make the person have a sinus infection by invading and inflaming the cells that form the lining of the nasal pathways.

This type of sinus infection does not last for more than 8 weeks most of the times and for each period that you are subjected to this infection, it may take around 10 days for the sinus infection to disappear. With a proper cause of treatment from your doctor, the mucous lining and the surrounding skull bone that protect the sinuses can easily be restored.

On the other hand, Chronic sinusitis is said to involve a spectrum of infections that cause the inflammation of your sinuses. Infections that are bacterial, viral and even fungal may be responsible for this condition. The bacteria and viruses that cause this infection do it the same way as in Acute sinusitis but a fungal infection usually takes place differently.

Fungi may be situated in the human nasal cavities and also in sinuses. Some of these fungi are known to cause possible inflammation of the nasal pathways of patients. On rare occasions, chronic sinusitis can make you not to smell or be in a position to detect any type of odor. The condition may take more than 8 weeks for it to clear and each time it attacks, it may take a period of about 20 days for its symptoms to disappear. People who have diseases that make the human immune system weak including AIDS are usually the ones that are prone to this kind of sinus infection. A proper diagnosis from the doctor is the best help to get the right kind of treatment.

Wangeci Kinyanjui is an expert on research and reporting on Health Matters for years.To get more information on sinus infection visit her site at SINUS INFECTION

Study Goiter and Body Odor additional


Can people with body odor (BO) be "immune" to their own unpleasant odor?

That's correct. The human nose can recognize 4,000 different scents and a really sensitive proboscis can detect up to 10,000 different scents. But if you smell something for a long time, your nose gets overwhelmed by the odor and can no longer detect it.

That' s the reason why the perfume you're wearing loses its fragrance after a while and your friendly garbage collector isn't bothered at all by the trash around him. Other people can easily smell these things but not those who have been exposed to the same odors for quite some lime.

Can goiter cause BO?

Like bad breath which can indicate the presence of kidney disease or diabetes, BO can also signal an underlying medical problem. Goiter due to hyperthyroidism (or an overactive thyroid) can promote sweating, making your body more hospitable to odor causing bacteria.

Certain metabolic infectious disorders, some drugs and foods like garlic, onions, and asparagus, can likewise cause BO. The same is true with uremia (a serious disease wherein the kidneys fail to eliminate waste products) and pneumonia.

If the problem persists in spite of good personal hygiene and the use of an effective deodorant, it's time to consult a physician to discover the root of your problem.

Can working in a chemical factory lead to BO?

Working in a chemical factory can probably make you smell bad but that doesn't mean the stench will linger on even after you've left the place.

The culprit in BO or bromhidrosis is bacteria acting on secretions of the apocrine sweat glands. Compared to the eccrine sweat glands that cool the body, the apocrine glands produce a milky fluid which has no known function except as food for bacteria.

When bacteria digest this food, they produce 3-methyl-2-hexenoic acid which has a stench that's enough to drive your enemies away. This becomes obvious in about six hours and the odor becomes stronger in warm weather.

Apocrine glands are found mainly in the underarms and the crotch which explains why these areas stink easily if you don't practice good personal hygiene. Asians have fewer apocrine glands than Americans or Europeans. That means they stink less than other people. The bad news is that men have bigger apocrine glands and more androgen, the male hormone that stimulates the odor-producing gland.

For beautiful skin use Lumnaderm, a whitening cream that eliminates freckles, unsightly age spots, sun spots, blemishes and hyperpigmentation. When used as directed, Lumnaderm will balance uneven skin tones and illuminate your skin. For more information, visit http://www.lumnaderm.com/.

Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premier online news magazine [http://www.HealthLinesNews.com]

Goiter and Body Odor


Go through RV Safety 101 - the Basics extra

Odor Detector

"Are RV's dangerous to own and operate?" After giving this question some thought I realized that this one short question covered a very large spectrum. There is no quick or easy response to this question. In most cases it's not the RV that is dangerous, but the individual that is operating the RV that is dangerous. Some examples of unsafe acts that I have witnessed are carrying a full spare LP gas bottle inside the RV, sleeping in the RV with the generator running and never weighing the RV or checking the inflation pressure in the tires.

When you begin your search for an RV, the first thing to verify is that the RV manufacturer is a member of the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA). If they are, the RV will have an oval shaped RVIA seal displayed on the exterior, usually by the entrance door. This seal means that the RV manufacturer is in compliance with more than 500 safety requirements regarding electrical, plumbing, heating, and fire and life safety. These safety requirements are established under the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A119.2 Standard for Recreation Vehicles. This should put to rest any concerns you may have about the RV itself being safe when it is manufactured.

The next step is to educate yourself on the systems of an RV and what is required to operate the RV safely and properly. If you're going to be towing a three or four ton travel trailer, or driving a six ton plus motor home you need to understand the importance of proper hitch work, weights and driving techniques. I also explained that anytime you are dealing with petroleum products like LP gas and gasoline generators there is cause for concern, but if handled properly there is nothing to worry about. A good place to start is with our RV video and DVD library.

In no particular order, I offer the following advice concerning RV safety:

oTake care of your RV's tires and they will take care of you. When you're not using your RV keep the tires covered to protect them from the damaging affects of ozone in the air and UV rays from the sun. Invest in a quality inflation pressure gauge and check the tire pressure in all tires every time you use the RV. Check and adjust the pressure when the tires are cold, before you move it. Maintain the pressure recommended by the manufacturer. Consult the owner's manual for proper tire inflation and never exceed the maximum pressure located on the tire sidewalls.

oWeigh your RV and tow vehicle. The only way to know if the weight is properly distributed and that you are within the allowable weight ratings for the RV and tow vehicle is to have them weighed. Look for certified platform scales in your yellow pages under moving companies or truck stops. When you weigh your RV and tow vehicle have them fully loaded for travel to include passengers, cargo, fuel, personal belongings, and full fresh water and propane tanks. Verify that you do not exceed any manufacturer weight ratings such as, the Gross Vehicle Weight Ratings (GVWR), Gross Combined Weight Ratings (GCWR), and Gross Axle Weight Ratings (GAWR). NEVER exceed any manufacturer weight ratings. It is quite possible to be within the weight ratings, but still exceed a tire rating. This is why you must weigh each axle end separately to insure that the load is within the capacity of the axles, wheels and tires and to see if the load is properly distributed.

oHave the LP gas system inspected every spring before using the RV. Take your RV to a qualified service center and let them check the LP gas system for proper appliance operating pressure and to check the system for leaks. Familiarize yourself with the odorant added to LP gas to assist you in detecting a leak, and what to do if there is a gas leak. If you smell LP gas or the leak detector alarm goes off:

1) Extinguish any open flames and pilot lights.

2) Do not touch electrical switches.

3) Shut off the gas supply at the tank valve(s) or gas supply connection.

4) Open the doors and windows and leave the area until the odor clears.

5) Have the LP gas system checked and repaired by a qualified technician before using the system again.

It is not recommended that you travel with the LP gas turned on. If you do have the gas on while traveling turn off each individual pilot light, appliance, and the main gas supply before refueling.

oThe onboard generator makes your RV fully self-contained. It allows you access to 120 volts when there is no shore power available, but keep in mind that carbon monoxide is deadly! NEVER sleep in the RV with the generator running! Before you start and use the generator inspect the exhaust system. Do not use it if the exhaust system is damaged. Test the carbon monoxide detector every time you use the RV. Know what the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are:

1) Dizziness

2) Vomiting

3) Nausea

4) Muscular twitching

5) Intense headache

6) Throbbing in the temples

7) Weakness and sleepiness

8) Inability to think coherently

If you or anyone else experiences any of these symptoms get to fresh air immediately. If the symptoms persist seek medical attention. Shut the generator down and do not operate it until it has been inspected and repaired by a professional.

In my opinion, these are some very real concerns that all RVers need to be aware of. I also want to mention that this is a very short list. There are many other safety issues involved in owning and operating an RV, but by practicing common sense, and through education, RV ownership is not only safe, it's lots of fun.

Happy Camping,


Copyright 2006 by Mark J. Polk owner of RV Education 101

RV Expert Mark Polk, seen on TV, is the producer & host of America's most highly regarded series of DVD's, videos, books, and e-books. www.rveducation101.com/

Mark Polk is a retired U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer Three, specializing in wheeled and track vehicle fleet maintenance operations. In addition to owning and operating RV Education 101, (based in North Carolina) since 1999, Polk also has a very extensive RV background working in RV service, sales and management. Polk has a degree in Industrial Management Technology and his 30 plus years of experience in maintenance includes working as an RV technician, a wheeled vehicle and power generation mechanic, an automotive maintenance technician, Battalion and Brigade level Maintenance Officer, an RV sales manager and also in the RV financing department as the Finance & Insurance manager. www.rveducation101.com/

RV Safety 101 - the Basics

Understand Stomach Bacteria That Causes Bad Breath additional

Have you heard or read that there is a stomach bacteria that causes bad breath? It has been suggested that one of the causes of bad breath is Helicobacter pylori, the organism that causes stomach ulcers and ulcers in the duodenum. There is a laboratory test for the presence of this organism that detects a substance in the expelled breath, however, the test is not terribly reliable, and there is no firm evidence that H. pylori causes a significant unpleasant odor on the breath that others can detect.

In fact, in most cases, stomach breath doesn't really exist, unless you include the air that is expelled with a belch; odors due to belching are more likely to be associated with food than with bacteria. When we breathe out, the air that is expelled comes from the lungs, out through the throat, to the mouth and nose. It is not coming from the stomach. It's unlikely, then, that there is a stomach bacteria that causes bad breath.

Bad breath from the stomach is generally not much of an issue. Few bacteria can live in the stomach because of the very acid conditions there. (One of the functions of this acid environment is to kill ingested bacteria!) When air comes from the stomach breath may smell of onions, garlic, or other strong food odors, or even more unpleasant things if the person is ill, but these situations will be temporary. Rather than being in the stomach bacteria that causes bad breath colonize the mouth.

Rarely, a condition other than stomach bacteria causes bad breath that seems to come from lower down in the body. Some cancers can cause this and conditions such as liver or kidney disease cause stomach breath or odors from the lungs. These conditions are not trivial, so if you or someone you know has persistent bad breath from the stomach, or at least from beyond the mouth, a physician should be consulted for a professional opinion.

If you're still concerned about a stomach bacteria that causes bad breath, and you think you may have an ulcer or other health problem, discuss your concerns with your doctor as well. Bad breath from stomach conditions, if it is real in your case, should be diagnosed and treated.

Odor Detect

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Causes of Bad Breath, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Stomach Bacteria That Causes Bad Breath

Odor Detect

Study How to Handle Gas Leaks extra

Odor Detect

Although residential explosions from gas escape are infrequent, almost three hundred inhabitants perish annually from gas leak poisoning. Inodorous and color-free, gas which is natural is a standard home fuel. Gas companies introduce a harmless matter known as Mercaptan to make a rotten egg or sulfur odor for gas leakage detection by our smelling ability. Home gas detectors identify gas leaks and offer protection to anybody with a reduced smelling ability.

Plumbing contractors advise people to take fast action and follow the safety measures beneath in an event of a gas leakage:

Vacate the home instantly and phone your local company from a friend's residence.

Do not kick on or shut electric devices or light buttons, or actuate phones. This might give rise to huge explosions.

Do not smoke or light matches or candles.

Don't return to your house before a gas company official has checked the premises, inspected the shutoff valves and asserted your residence nontoxic.

Maintain your gas appliances dirt free, well-ventilated, and often checked to guarantee their good working conditions. Combustible articles must be distanced from water heaters, furnaces, ovens and other units to avoid gas leakage.

Outdoor gas leaks are much harder to discover with only your sense of smell. Red flags of outdoor gas leaks are chronic hissing noise, air blowing water or dirt, water puddles or pond containing surface bubbles, and no plants next to gas piping. If you detect any of these symptoms in your back yard, evacuate your house and call the gas supplier from a friend's residence.

A- Plumbers offer important precautions on how to detect natural gas leaks

How to Handle Gas Leaks

Odor Detect

Understand We Amongst the Animals - How Great Are We? more

We humanoids think we are at the top of the evolutionary chain and superior to other critters.

Is that true?


Let's start with the brain.

Largest Brain: Sperm Whale

Well, we can handle that. What about the ratio of brain size to body size.

Largest Brain for Body Size: Hummingbird

Mass doesn't mean much as far as the brain goes. A whale has tons of blubber that require little brain action. A giant dinosaur had a brain the size of a walnut.

Speech Complexity: No race here. The whales have millions of bits of information in their speech. Human brains are evidently too small to totally decipher the language of dolphins, porpoises, whales, and other creatures. We are good at making up new languages such as Chinese and the computer languages.

Ability to Reason:

Now this is our big advantage, right?


Some of us can solve the Rubik's Cube and make nuclear bombs, fighter jets, rockets, computers, cell phones, and hula hoops, etc. I haven't see animals doing this yet. We write stuff like Taylor Jones the Hack Writer is writing right here too. Other animals don't spend much time in these activities, at least outside the brain. Our reasoning activities lead to war and evil and, at the same time, religion.

Largest Animal: We lose. The Blue Whale gets the Blue Ribbon.

Fastest Animal: We are slowpokes. It's good we keep most animals out of the Olympics.

We know God: Animals don't seem to know about God. We think that we do. But do we? It depends whom you ask.

Nudity: We are obsessed with nudity. We like to hide it on an everyday basis and reveal it in pornography. A Zulu king said that the social problem was clothing, not nudity. It really get silly. Naked primitive people who don't know they are nude, are shielded by blurred circles covering their private parts when we see them on television but we can watch a movie of humans copulating on the kitchen table. Animals don't care about nudity.

Profanity: Only we use it as far as I know. I wonder about pit bulls, chimps, and baboons.

It's true that humans have a remarkable brain but we are not the only ones with marvelous brains. We piddle around on land. Water animals need special functions for their environment. Is the brain of a human any more remarkable than that of a porpoise?

Flying: We can't. But we can build airplanes, lighter-than-air craft like balloons, and rockets that once took a few of us to No Name Moon. Arctic terns fly from pole to pole.

Swimming: Some few of us can swim the English Channel if we coat ourselves with grease and have a rowboat for safety. Whales routinely swim for thousands of miles. We have submarines that swim like whales and carry horrific atomic rockets which they launch while submerged. We have scuba gear to spend some time in the shallower depths of the ocean.

Eyesight: Eagles have the best eyesight. We have spy satellites. The Hubble telescope is a wonder of wonder letting us peer into the cosmos.

Odor Detection: We use dogs to find drugs and lost people, etc. Sharks and honey bees are very good at this too. But we do have smoke detectors. How's the battery in yours?

Hearing: Human hearing range is narrower than many animals. That's why your dog howls when you sing. Even a cow has a wider hearing range than a human, as do most all other animals. But we humans can pick up sounds outside our hearing range with microphones and amplify them with our electronic instrumentation.

So what is the bottom line? It's in a song: Anything you can do I can do better.

It goes like this:

Anything you can do,

I can do better.

I can do anything

Better than you.

See all of the lyrics at: http://www.stlyrics.com/lyrics/anniegetyourgun/anythingyoucando.htm

That is our race with the animals we share this world with. Unfortunately, they don't seem to know they are in the race. Now, if we can actually become civilized and concentrate on preserving this planet and all of its creatures rather than just talking about it.

The End

copyright©2007 John T. Jones, Ph.D. (Taylor Jones the Hack Writer)

Odor Detect

John T. Jones, Ph.D. (tjbooks@hotmail.com), a retired college professor and business executive, Former editor of an international engineering magazine. To learn more about Wealthy Affiliate University go to his info site. If you desire a flagpole to Fly Old Glory, go to the business site.

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Business web site: http://www.AAAFlagpoles.com

We Amongst the Animals - How Great Are We?